Tips for Using Lavender to Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms

Estimated read time 2 min read

Lavender, with its delicate purple blooms and soothing fragrance, has long been celebrated for its calming properties. From aromatherapy to herbal remedies, lavender is a versatile herb that can help alleviate anxiety symptoms naturally, and know how to use lavender for anxiety.

  • Essential Oil Inhalation: One of the most popular ways to use lavender is through inhalation. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a diffuser or simply inhale the aroma directly from the bottle. Deep, slow breaths can help calm the mind, and how to use lavender for anxiety.
  • Lavender Tea: Drinking lavender tea can have a relaxing effect on the body and mind. Steep dried lavender flowers in hot water for 5-10 minutes, strain, and enjoy. You can add honey or lemon for flavor if desired.
  • Lavender Bath: Create a luxurious and calming bath by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to warm bathwater. Soak in the fragrant water for 20-30 minutes to help ease tension and promote relaxation.

how to use lavender for anxiety

  • Lavender Pillow Spray: Spritzing your pillow with a lavender pillow spray before bedtime can help promote better sleep and reduce nighttime anxiety. Simply mix lavender essential oil with water in a spray bottle and lightly mist your pillow before going to bed.
  • Lavender Massage Oil: Combine lavender essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil to create a soothing massage oil. Gently massage the oil onto your skin, focusing on areas of tension such as the neck, shoulders, and temples.
  • Lavender Sachets: Place dried lavender flowers in small sachets and tuck them into your pillowcase, dresser drawer, or car to enjoy the calming aroma throughout the day.
  • Lavender Inhalation Pouch: Fill a small pouch or sachet with dried lavender flowers and carry it with you in your pocket or purse. When you feel anxious, take a moment to inhale the scent deeply for instant relaxation.

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